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I love learning how others are using aspire. I’ve read through most of the knowledge base at this point, and have gleaned some neat tricks from it. My favorite “pro tip” is to enable the filter headings and grouping headings in advanced search. You do this in the user settings menu. So many people don’t know what those buttons do and the leave them off because that’s the default. 


What’s your trick or tip?

Totally agree! The first few months on Aspire I kept to the basics. Now, over a year in, I have customized everything to see everything that I’m always looking for. Along with the headings, I use the “Advanced Search Save” lists in every area from Work Tickets, Property, Contacts, Receivables etc. Creating your own filters and groupings is easily the best thing for my productivity. 

I was just thinking about this topic the other day and was about to start a post and am happy I saw yours!


I personally love custom formulas in Aspire. My latest one takes AmountRemaining]/]Amount] = Percentage Paid in Invoicing. I use this to create a list in Invoices that shows anything with a balance over 0 but the Percentage Paid under 1 is a short pay. 
