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With the American Elm release out, we are motivated to use the retainage feature in Aspire. Any feedback on using that feature for the first time? Pros/Cons, tips and tricks? Anything for our implementation would be super helpful. 

@ladams I was about to respond “OMG same for us!”, but then I realized it was you. hahahaha


One major CON for us - Aspire deducts retention pre-tax and that can’t be adjusted. We have to compute sales tax before deducting retention so our Aspire invoices don’t match our accounting system or our customer PayApps/billing portals. This ends up causing an A/R imbalance until the project is 100% billed out which could be months or years.

We're in Washington and this must not be an issue for most users because we were surprised to see no mention of it in the idea portal/community page. Our CSM also had not encountered this before us. Just make sure your local sales tax laws align with the aspire method and you’re good to go.

