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And it’s time for a leaderboard update!


We made it to Friday everyone! We are officially down to just one week left of the community challenge. And before we leave for the weekend, here is a leaderboard update with our top 5 most engaged members in Aspire Together as of today. As a friendly reminder, the challenge is open to those who have not registered to attend Ignite ’24 yet. We’ll have more opportunities for everyone else in the future as well so no need to worry. 😌



Just a week left to participate and get your name on the leaderboard. Take advantage of this really cool opportunity and go to Ignite ’24 for FREE. We want to see you in Orlando- learn from the best, network and meet new peers, cheer on your colleagues as they win some awards, have plenty of fun and leave Ignite inspired for the future! Start planning your Ignite experience and check out the attendee hub if you haven’t had a chance yet.  🙌


Not registered for Ignite? But curious about the agenda? You can see it here.

@jakecruzan @Raechel @ckplichtajr coming in hot on the leaderboard! Keep your eyes on the prize! We want to see you at Ignite 😉
