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Does any anyone use work tickets, schedule boards, inventory materials, and job costing for your fleet equipment repairs and/or maintenance? 

Yes! texting issues gets lost or forgotten, putting all your trucks and equipment in aspire creates solid records of what needs repairs.  You can also easily track depreciation and how often repairs are being done to easily identify “bad” equipment.  Putting what equipment you use on jobs helps track how often you are really using it too.

Yes! texting issues gets lost or forgotten, putting all your trucks and equipment in aspire creates solid records of what needs repairs.  You can also easily track depreciation and how often repairs are being done to easily identify “bad” equipment.  Putting what equipment you use on jobs helps track how often you are really using it too.

Are you using the schedule board for this part of it though?

Thank you for your reply...We do have all equipment in Aspire Equipment Module but our main question is anyone using the schedule board & inventory to create work tickets for mechanics to use for repairs and maintenance. 

Not for repairs, although I could see it working similarly, but we do use the schedule board for our garden center upkeep. Create an overhead/indirect service, and then in your case I would recommend as needed on the service so you could schedule tickets as much as you need, then just put the info that you need your mechanic to see on ticket notes. As far as inventory, I could see a case for using things like oil, filters, etc that you know you’ll use a lot. All the one off purchases I think the better route would be creating purchase receipts against those particular work tickets.

Hope that helps!
