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Has anyone tried to use Aspire Mobile for time tracking of hourly indirect labor employees (admin, mechanics, etc.)? I was led to believe this would work, but I’m experiencing issues such as:

  • Time Cards cannot be saved with even one minute of difference time if your only ticket time is on an indirect ticket (it typically turns that difference into drive time, but indirect tickets weren’t designed to have drive time)
  • Within my routes module, I cannot seem to restrict my indirect routes to only see the indirect services set up to log their time (they see all unscheduled tickets regardless of settings)
  • Some of our lunch breaks are different between direct labor and indirect labor employees - the lunch break setting is system-wide. I was under the impression that you could override the system-wide lunch break by manually clocking out and specifying it is for lunch, but instead the time cards appear to subtract the standard lunch time AND the clocked out lunch time. Will this always require correction on behalf of the Operations Manager approving indirect time entries?

Any help on any of these items would be greatly appreciated!

You ae correct 100% of th eclock time will have to go to an indirect ticket if that is all they worked…..

You can limit there view to only indirect or even certain indirect tickets by route by using the services or service type setup in the route set up.

The auto deduct lunch is system wide….if they clock out and back’d have to delete the standard lunch deduction in Time entry when the time is accepted…….

I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case and someone would hit me with an “Aha.” I appreciate the response, David!

I was under the belief that you can limit a Route’s view to specific properties and services like you mentioned, but after setting it up, they can still see every single Indirect Service that I’ve configured - so it’s not working. Does anyone know if there is a trick to this?

There’s a chance this functionality isn’t working because I’ve left those as “Unscheduled” indirect tickets that are still available for viewing in the “Unscheduled” tab of the “Tickets” screen. Maybe if I scheduled them so they could be seen in the “Today” tab, only the relevant ticket would appear.

I’ll admit I am still learning Aspire Mobile….it is possible it behaves differently than Crew Mobile did…..with Crew Mobile, if you set specific services in the service setup it would exclude everything else, including indirect tickets….which should remain unscheduled by the way
