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A place for API and data pipeline questions. 

I’ve done a lot of reporting with the API and DPL, but haven’t pushed much data back into Aspire. Anyone here done that?

Any cool workflow or process automation with the API?

Anyone using low code / no code tools to help utilize the API?

What kind of external reporting are you doing?

Here’s one we did. It’s an ArcGIS bubble chart in PowerBI showing our Maintenance accounts by Revenue with population growth data overlayed. It helped us plan our next branch location. 




Here is one that I have been working on. This one is a map that shows clock in locations and number of miles away from the branch. Hoping it will be useful to spot employees that are continually clocking in away from the branch. 

@vladryabyy That is SUPER cool!

I haven’t done that yet. We still have some guys with location services turned off. (lol idk why) I was working on one to track if they were using mobile time at all and it was shockingly challenging. The closest I got was if all the hDevice Name] fields were blank, that was a good indication...

We have been looking into using PowerBI, but have some hesitation on the API set up. I love the reports you guys have shared. 

@Kbaird If you are going to ignite you should check out Christina and my’s presentation on API and Data Pipelines.

I go over a few different options, from coding it yourself, to companies that can help you do it. 

Or feel free to reach out to me, and I can help you get started over zoom or something!



@LandscapeNerd I attended the API session that you and Christina gave at the Ignite Conference - super inspiring stuff! I’m very interested in getting into this but am a total newbie to API, although I did a little bit of python coding awhile back. The possibilities seem endless with the types of reports we could produce - my colleagues and I were totally geeking out over it after the presentation. 🤓


Did I hear correctly during the presentation that you have an AP process with data flowing back in to Aspire? If so, would love to hear more on what that looks like! 





Hi @mwheeler !

Thanks for attending that session! If you have done some python coding before, then this will be a breeze for you!

Right, I have mainly been working on reporting, but just recently on automation type things. I have successfully taken a PDF Invoice on my desktop and attached it to a purchase receipt via API, but I haven’t figured out exactly where in our workflow to use that. 

In the swagger documentation here:

Swagger UI (

any of the endpoints that have PUT and POST options - you can use to send information to Aspire!

Happy to help any way I can!


Hey @mwheeler!

We put together an example of how we sync Aspire API data with Google Big Query in Python. Check it out!

Here’s an interesting one. This shows Opportunity win rate on the y-axis by price per estimated hour on the x axis for fert opportunities in 2024.


I wanted to Create an API Alert.  Currently, if your Aspire>Administration>Configuration, has the Restrict Editing of Employees checked (enabled), then the PUT Contact API (REST API) will not be updating your Employee Type contacts.  This is a bug.  Currently, Aspire has a solution in Testing (Sandbox) which is scheduled to role out to Production in early October.  

The workaround is to both Uncheck the Restrict Editing of Employees AND to pull a new Token after this change has been saved as the token is carrying this setting permission within it.  


POST Contact is working correctly.

PUT USERS is working correctly.

POST/PUT PAYRATES - working correctly

POST/PUT PayRateOverridePayCodes - working correctly

 @CapsaAnalytics very cool! Thanks for the example, and that’s a super interesting graph. Haven’t used Google Big Query before but I’ll be looking into it this week! 


