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Hey all,

Look for some outside eyes to maybe suggest something we are not thinking of. We are partnering with a building to install irrigation, sod, and landscape for all of their housing being built in a newly developed subdivision. The builder will be responsible for a basic irrigation system that we both agreed upon, sod, and a basic landscaping plan for the house.

The builder asked if we could be forward facing the the new owners so that they can make any adjusted to the base plan that they would like at cost to them. Shouldn’t be an issue for us, however we are trying to determine a good day to split this up using aspire. 

Do we create two properties for 1 address with one being billing information for the builder then a second for the house owner? I thought of setting up the property in the name of the builder and then making the change but if we are providing the changed same time we will need to set up two methods of payment so that wouldn’t work.

Anything I’m missing that someone else has possibly done in the past? 

Hi JRosado,

We have a similar-but-different situation with some of our properties.  In our case, it’s usually that both the tenant and landlord have a contract for our maintenance services.  In these situations, we set it up as two contracts on as single property.  You can override the billing contact & payment terms for individual Opportunities in Aspire (On the Opportunity tab, click on the icon next to “Invoice Type”). 

Maybe you can do something similar by making the base plan a Work Order with the builder set as the Billing Contact, and the amendments on a separate Work Order with the customer.  It’s not ideal, and maybe you’ll need to put all the notes/materials on one contract and have the other be a “dummy” contract for billing purposes.

I hope that helps,

